Loving God

Loving God

Christian Character: Love God Passionately

Children will develop 24 integrity traits.

Christian Character

“What’s my child’s true identity—deep, down inside?”

God created every human being in His own image. You and your child were made to reflect who God is and what He is like. Each decision and choice you make now shapes who you become—your personality, your reputation, and your happiness. That’s why building character is so important!

Developing good character is like assembling a bike or baking a cake. If you carefully follow the directions, use the right supplies in just the right amounts, you’ll end up with just what you want—a speedy machine or delicious dessert. If you don’t follow directions…well, you know the rest.

Jesus Christ has zero character flaws and is the ultimate role model. His character has many “integrated” components—like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that fit together perfectly. Christ’s character components make up His integrated identity.

When facing big decisions in life, nobody wants to mess up. To make good choices along the way, everyone needs direction. The Lord will help and empower your child to build godly character qualities. The following lists the key character traits found in Peak 1: God’s Greatness so that your your son or daughter will love God passionately.

Your Soul—Virtues and Vices
•Virtues of the Soul: Wise and Creative
•Cardinal Virtues: Courageous, Self-Controlled, and Just
•Heavenly Virtues: Trusting, Hopeful, and Loving
•Personal Virtues: Good, Honest, and Pure

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