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Building Relationships With Your Kids

Posted by on 3:33 pm in Discipleship, Parenting, Spiritual Growth | 0 comments

Building Relationships With Your Kids

  The Bible says that Satan is a liar, and one of his favorites is that God cares more about rules than relationships. Parents can fall for this deception when they become more focused on the outward behavior of their children than on the relationship they are building. Sure we want behavior to come into line, but our long-range goal should be to raise children who honor God and their parents out of a love relationship. This is one of the deceptions I wrote about in my book Parenting Unchained-Overcoming the Ten Deceptions that Shackle...

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Parenting Elementary Age Children

Posted by on 12:59 pm in Parenting, Spiritual Growth | 0 comments

Parenting Elementary Age Children

Parenting Elementary Age Children by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN During the ages of 6 to 12, children change in significant ways. Their thinking patterns and mental abilities go through major developments. Personality, character, and a worldview are being formed and molded for the long term. Developing responsibility and wisdom are two significant priorities at this stage. In addition to these two qualities, children often demonstrate heart quality strengths that you’ll want to encourage. Unfortunately, some of those...

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What Your Kids Really Need Today

Posted by on 3:00 pm in Discipleship, Parenting | 0 comments

What Your Kids Really Need Today

Where are today’s Christian kids? Once upon a time, Christian parents asked their children after church, “What did you learn about God?” Today, the question is often, “Did you have fun?” Not too long ago, churches offered Bible training for all ages—wanting to fully equip children to serve Christ. Today, many churches offer high-energy, entertainment-based programs—wanting to keep kids happy and to make recruiting easy. Children rarely use their Bibles. As a result, children today: know more about video games than they know about God love...

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7 keys to help children develop self discipline

Posted by on 11:32 pm in Discipline | 1 comment

7 keys to help children develop self discipline

One of the primary tasks of early childhood is to develop self discipline. Parents often find themselves correcting their children for interrupting, being wild, not following instructions or for not controlling their hands or mouths. These all require self discipline or self-control. Young children are by nature impulsive. Some children have ADHD or other biological factors which increase impulsiveness. Part of the solution for impulse control is to learn self discipline. A child armed with self discipline has a tremendous asset for...

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Getting Kids To Follow Instructions

Posted by on 3:40 pm in Parenting | 0 comments

Getting Kids To Follow Instructions

Let’s face it. Your child has an agenda different from yours. When you tell them to clean up so that you can get to school on time, it may be important to you but that does not mean your child sees any value in it. And when your children don’t value your command, they resist obeying it. Understanding this simple concept helps you to empathize with them. It’s hard to set aside your agenda just because someone else wants you to. Just as adults want to fulfill their agendas, kids do too. So first of all, as you approach your child to give him or...

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